Tag: positive

A Journey Of Personal Development

To take the journey of personal development is an amazing road of spiritual and personal discovery.  There is so much information available to us in 2013 it’s coming our way every time we switch on the computer, famous quotes, blogs you tube videos….the list… Continue Reading “A Journey Of Personal Development”

Learn How To Be A Success, Lose The Fear Of Failure….

Learn How To Be A Success, Lose The Fear Of Failure. So often in my work as a life coach and part time spiritual healer I come across a common Deep seated belief in people – fear of failure.  Sometimes even greater than that… Continue Reading “Learn How To Be A Success, Lose The Fear Of Failure….”

Make Happiness A Habit.

Habits of Happiness   How to get happy? Where can I find it? Is there a shop online that sells it? Hello out there???  Does anyone have some spare happiness hanging around?   Well if only it was that easy to get online and… Continue Reading “Make Happiness A Habit.”

Goal Setting To Achieve Success – A Few Tips.

Goal Setting To Achieve Success – A Few Tips. Get Excited About Goal Setting! The first step to reaching a dream is to have one, start by asking yourself  what you desire from life?  Goals must be well thought out to be sure you… Continue Reading “Goal Setting To Achieve Success – A Few Tips.”

So happy with life and grateful for my own journey:)

So happy with life and grateful for my own journey:)

Life is there to be lived and loved, there have been times for me that I have found that statement a real challenge!

Through adversity and life changing situations I am finally on the right path doing what I’m passionate about whoo hoooo!!  My passions are pretty basic….my children, positive thinking and the power of the mind to heal the body. So I went about asking the universe to deliver meopportunities that would allow me to spend time with my children, make enough money to support them in everyway and give my time to helping people in need of spiritual healing. Wow thoughts are so powerful and here I am living a wonderful fullfilling  journey in this moment – I’m so grateful for that:)

I wasn’t sure it was going to be this way when my marriage fell apart and life changed for us so dramatically last year.  Through the power ofpositive thinking and the freedom to create whatever I choose, I took control of my thoughts and responsibility for my future life.  I wanted to show my children that inner strength I knew I had inside, it took some work for me to believe in myself again too lol.

My message is this – if I can do it, anyone can do it!  Everything is a choice in every situation so keep believing and never give up.  Choose positive thoughts that serve you and cancel the negative ones you don’t need.

Have a wonderful day people!  Xx

Albert Einstein Rocks!!!

Albert Einstein Rocks!! Thoughts, quotes, words of wisdom and life changing events. To quote a mentor…Albert Einstein…. “Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow.  The important things is to not stop questioning” Ever since I can remember, I have been simply… Continue Reading “Albert Einstein Rocks!!!”

A Quote That Made Me Think…..

“You are the owner of all that you perceive. But you can’t perceive apart from your vibration. Feel your way, little-by-little, into a greater sense of abundance, by looking for the treasures that the Universe is offering you on a day-to-day basis” Well I… Continue Reading “A Quote That Made Me Think…..”